I Lost My Keys Again! How To Avoid Losing Items

I Lost My Keys Again! How To Avoid Losing Items

Everybody loses things sometimes, but some people lose things on a very regular basis.

This can be quite frustrating for the person who loses important items and for everyone around him or her.

Although most lost items are simply misplaced and can be found later on, some losses can lead to bigger problems.

When someone can't remember where they put their phone, it might end up being stolen. If an item with sentimental value is lost, it can lead to years of regret and rumination. When someone loses an important file in an office environment before a big meeting, that person may lose money for the company and may end up being fired.

If you find yourself saying, "Oh no, I lost my keys," more than once in a great while, your problem with losing things may be chronic.

Fortunately, there are many tips, tricks, and even products out there to help you get a handle on this issue. Once you manage to change course in this realm, you'll be amazed at the time you save and the stress you avoid in the long run.

Read on to learn how to stop losing things once and for all.

Never Say "I Lost My Keys" Again

Although people who chronically misplace things lose all sorts of different things, for the sake of this post, we'll focus on learning how to keep track of keys. House and vehicle keys are items that are commonly lost by many people. If you follow these tips, you'll never have to say, "Whoops, I lost my keys!" again.

Further, most of the following tips will work for other items, too. Stick to these strategies, routines, and products and you'll always know where you left all of your important things.

1. A Home for Every Item

One of the best and most well-known tips for keeping track of important items is to make sure that everything has a place that it belongs. When you return your keys, glasses, and wallet to the same location time and time again, you'll know where to find them.

The challenge of this tip is getting yourself in the habit of returning things to their "home," but you simply have to train yourself to do it. The second you walk in the door after work, make a point to put your keys, your phone, your wallet, your sunglasses, and other things you'll need next time you go out in a place made especially for them.

2. Try Not to Multitask

This is also a challenging tip to train yourself to follow, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be glad you made the effort to do so. We all try to multitask much of the time, and some of us are better at it than others. However, no one - no matter what they try to tell you - is actually good at it.

Studies have shown that multitasking actually makes us less efficient and that doing so actually hinders our overall performance at work and at home. It makes sense; when you're thinking about what to make for dinner and what ingredients you have on hand for that meal, then it's no wonder that you misplaced your keys when you walked in the door yet again.

Try to focus on only one thing at a time. When it's time to put your belongings away, focus on that alone. Then you can move onto planning dinner.

3. Bluetooth and Cellular Item Trackers

Thanks to recent advances in technology, there are many products on the market today that can help you keep track of lost items. They're affordable and are easy to use, too.

For one example, Found 2.0, created by Pebblebee, is a Bluetooth keychain that can be attached to your keys or other items. It is rechargeable and can last up to six months on one charge, and it's small and easy to carry as well. When you misplace your keys, the Found 2.0's connection with you phone will help you find them with ease.

Finder 2.0 Key finder
Finder 2.0 by Pebblebee

Pebblebee also offers a product called the BlackCard that can help you locate your wallet or television remote, and their upcoming Found tracker has a long battery life and an impressive range for when you are out in the world.

You can purchase any of these items in multiples and attach them to all of your important items. You'll never lose any of them again for more than a few moments.

4. Take Notes

So far, we've mostly focused on how to keep track of keys and other things you use every day, but what about the things you only need once in a while? If you tend to lose things like important papers, tools for repairs, or certain pieces of your wardrobe that you only wear on special occasions, you may benefit immensely from taking notes.

It may seem silly to you at first to write down the locations of these sort of items, but you'll thank yourself for it later. Of course, remember to put the reminder notebook in a place where it is easily found, or else the whole system falls apart.

You may also consider attaching a Bluetooth and cellular tracker to these items, too. Trackers can be attached to almost anything and can help you find these things quickly. However, you'll need to remember to charge the trackers from time to time, too.

These Tips Will Change Your Life

It's hard to gauge how much time you spend each day, week, and month looking for things you misplaced, but it's probably more time than you'd be willing to admit.

When you apply the above tips and products to your habit of losing things, you'll be amazed at how much time and frustration you save yourself. You'll never have to say to someone, "Hold on, I lost my keys!" ever again, and you'll have much more time for fun, friendship, relaxation and adventure as a result.

If you think a Bluetooth and cellular tracker will help you, you're right! Check out our Products and order today.