5 Reasons to Invest in an Item Tracker for Your Golf Set
The average cost for a set of golf clubs ranges from $200 to $400. However, you can pay up to $1,000 for one club depending on your budget.
That doesn't include the price of your bag or other equipment that you have. Your clubs are a big investment, and replacing them can be costly.
If you don't have an item tracker for your clubs, now is the time to get one. In this article, we will tell you five reasons why you need to invest in a item tracker.

1. Prevent Theft
One of the main reasons to purchase an item tracker is to protect yourself from thieves. It's unfortunate, but people will steal your clubs right out of your car.
They either keep them for themselves or sell them for a profit. Even if you contact law enforcement, you probably won't see them again. However, if you have a tracker, you'll be able to find out where they are.
We recommend that you don't take your eyes off your clubs when you're at the course, but sometimes that's not always possible. Be sure to take them out of your car when you get home from the course.
If you have to make a stop before you get home, make sure your clubs aren't visible to wandering eyes. Having a tracker on your clubs can give you peace of mind, as you'll always know where they are.
If they do get stolen, you'll be able to find them easily. If your clubs get taken, show an officer the information from your tracker. You shouldn't confront the thief yourself.
2. Easy to Use
Putting a tracker on your golf equipment is much simpler than it sounds. The devices are rechargeable so you won't have to continue to buy them. They last 6 - 12 months on a single charge, so you'll be able to put them in your golf bag and forget about them until you need them.
Once you purchase the item tracker, you'll download a compatible app. Through your smartphone, you'll be able to see exactly where your bag and clubs are.
You can set up boundaries through the app so if your clubs move outside the location you picked, you'll be notified. For example, if you store your golf clubs at your local clubhouse, you can set that location on your app. If your bag moves from that spot, your item will let you know.
You can change the boundaries easily and as many times as you want. There is also a button that you press that will sound an alert. This will allow you to find them easily if you can't find them and it will startle anyone trying to take them.
It can be used on the iPhone and Android. If you want to see where your bag has been in the past, you don't have to pay subscription fees for seeing the history.
Technology can be confusing and hard to use sometimes, but an item tracker is not. The product was created so people could easily track their items. If you've lost or misplaced your clubs, the last thing you want to do is deal with difficult technology to find them.
3. Inexpensive
It's hard to put a price on having peace of mind. But after you've spent hundreds maybe even thousands of dollars on your golf equipment, you likely don't want to spend a lot of money on an item tracker. The good news is that a item tracking device is affordable. You don't have to spend a fortune to keep your clubs safe.
There are a few you can choose from, and the prices range from $29.99 to $100. If you have multiple bags or if you want to purchase one for your golfing buddies, you can buy them in a bundle for savings.
4. Great For Travel
There are amazing golf courses all over the world, and if you are planning a state-side or international golf trip, an item tracker can be a game changer. Luggage can easily be lost in transit and it can take weeks to get it back.
If you're flying across the country and you have an item tracker, you'll know exactly where your clubs are. If they don't make the connection, you'll know if they make the next flight. It will be much easier to get your equipment back if you know where to look for it.
Your bag may come in contact with outside materials during travel days or when you're already on the course. A tracker that is waterproof is ideal. If it rains or if something spills in your bag, you don't have to worry about replacing it.
5. Lost Items
Golf clubs are larger in size, making them easier to see. However, it's possible to misplace them. If you let a friend borrow them for a while, you may forget to whom you lent them.
If you stored them away for the winter months, you might not remember if you put them in the back of your garage or in your storage unit. If you have a tracker, then you don't have to spend hours looking around for them.
Benefits of an Item Tracker
When you're playing a round of golf with your new clubs, the last thing you're probably thinking about is your clubs going missing or being stolen. This is great, you don't want to constantly be worried about your investment.
Having an item tracker in your bag will put your mind at ease when you aren't with your golf set.
If you want to start protecting your clubs, shop here. We have a number of different items to choose from and we are confident, you'll be able to find one to fit your needs.