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How I Finally Stop Losing Thousands of Dollars of Items and Kept Better Track of My Things In Just 7 Days

I’m convinced that I would legitimately lose my head if it weren’t attached.

Monday, April 24 ‍
by Robin Moore

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Take “I can’t find it” Out of Your Vocabulary

I’m 35 years old. I’m married, have two amazing kids, and love to take family trips as much as I can. 

But for as long as I can remember, I would constantly lose things. I thought it was just regular forgetfulness that happens to everyone, but I was wrong. At some point, I started spending hours every week just looking for my lost things.

I tried every “tip and trick” out there to keep track of my things. Tactics like having designated areas for my stuff, a bowl by the front door to empty my pockets into, and more. 

But I would eventually just lose things again. 

Soon, I started to dread carrying things with me because I knew I’d have to spend time looking for it or money replacing it. 

An Easier Way of Attaining Flow States

When I tell you I lose ALL my items, I’m not kidding.

I’ll be getting ready to leave the house, put down my phone to go grab something, and then forget where I put my phone. I started waking up half an hour earlier to avoid being late for work.

At the gas station, I once put my wallet on the roof of my car, forgot it was there, and drove off. It’s now sitting somewhere on the highway with over $300 in it.

When I go to Walmart or the mall, I always forget where I park. I once spent 2 hours walking through the parking lot spamming my remote, hoping to hear my car beep.

Through all this, my wife has been an angel. She would always patiently hold onto my things and help me retrace my steps when I lost stuff.

But she knew we needed an actual solution, so she spent hours online looking for a way to help me.

Every article, blog, and YouTube video would recommend the same 12-15 things we already tried with no success. 

And I was starting to get desperate.

I will never forget something my five year old daughter said. She asked her mom to hold her stuffed tiger and said “Mommy, can you please hold my tiger? If I give it to Daddy, he’ll lose it.”

Those words hit me harder than a freight train. But then, my wife found out about Daniel Daoura, an aerospace engineer.

He previously worked for Boeing where he developed technologies to keep track of airplanes even when they’re thousands of feet in the air and thousands of miles out in the middle of nowhere.

If anyone knew of a way to help me track and find anything, it would be him.

Thankfully, we found out he was a friend of a friend, so we got in touch and he agreed to have a Zoom call with me.

Daniel has a very warm personality. He listened attentively as I explained how I struggled to keep track of my things. I wasn’t expecting that he’d have an answer for me. 

If you aren’t taking pebblebee®, you are operating at a disadvantage.

Find out why.


If you aren’t taking Alpha BRAIN®, you are operating at a disadvantage.

Find out why.

“I think I’ve got just the thing for you.”

“In fact, I’m pretty sure that it can help you never lose your things again.” 

I felt a rush of new hope in me. Could it be true? Was there really a way to save hours of my life spent looking for things and have my daughter trust me with her prized possessions?

Daniel must have read the look on my face, because he smiled reassuringly. “I know you’ve been through a lot,” he said. “But I want you to know there is hope. Let me show you what I mean.”

He then added his phone to the Zoom call and proceeded to share his screen. We saw a map of his neighborhood with multiple dots near him. “You see,” he explained, “I have a habit of losing my things too. So here’s a list of all the stuff I lose track of regularly, like my car, wallet, backpack, DSLR camera, and more. All tracked on my phone.”

We kept listening.

“As you can see, it’s all plotted on a map that shows me where they are. So I know that it’s all at home right now. But if I wanna know WHERE in my home it is, I can push a button to make the items beep and flash. Like this.”

He pushed an icon next to his wallet.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, which we could hear was buzzing quite loudly and had a flashing light inside it.

Seeing this, it was like a lightbulb went off in my head – suddenly, I knew this was exactly what I needed.

 Here’s what Daniel’s unique solution was.

 He used his aerospace engineering expertise to develop a specialized line of trackers called the Pebblebee. Many tech analysts have reviewed it and dubbed it “the upgraded AirTag” for many reasons.

 First, it works with Android and connects to Google’s new Find My Device™ network. This means as long as your item is within 100 feet of the BILLIONS of Android devices in the world, you will find it.

Daniel told me how he used this feature to track his lost luggage on an international flight. On a trip to France, he discovered his bag was on a plane headed to Brazil. And that’s because the entire world is full of Android devices meaning that anywhere there are people, he can find his items.

 Second, it’s rechargeable via USB-C. A single charge can last up to 8 months and it is fully charged in less than an hour. You never have to worry about forgetting to change a battery.

Daniel explained how important this feature was. He hated how AirTags and other trackers needed you to remember to swap out a battery every couple of months. I agreed, remembering how I’d lost a few items to the hassle of having to buy and change out those weird flat batteries.

 Third, it has both a louder buzzer AND a bright, flashing LED. This means you can find your items, even in noisy environments with the loud buzzer. Or you can quietly find things at night with the bright, flashing LED. Both can be activated with a single tap inside the app.

Daniel added how other item trackers assumed you lived in a quiet neighborhood and had good vision. The Pebblebee buzzer is built to be found even with city noises outside. And the LED flashing light is to help people who might have vision challenges, so can’t see their items from far away.

As he continued to explain how well-thought out his design was, I continued to swell with hope.

Eventually, he showed me some of the feedback from other buyers.

Many people LOVED how they stopped having anxiety about losing their things. They ADORED how having the Pebblebee felt like having a new lease on life.

From there, I knew I had to try the Pebblebee for myself. 

Daniel explained how important this feature was. He hated how AirTags and other trackers needed you to remember to swap out a battery every couple of months. I agreed, remembering how I’d lost a few items to the hassle of having to buy and change out those weird flat batteries.

 Third, it has both a louder buzzer AND a bright, flashing LED. This means you can find your items, even in noisy environments with the loud buzzer. Or you can quietly find things at night with the bright, flashing LED. Both can be activated with a single tap inside the app.

Daniel added how other item trackers assumed you lived in a quiet neighborhood and had good vision. The Pebblebee buzzer is built to be found even with city noises outside. And the LED flashing light is to help people who might have vision challenges, so can’t see their items from far away.

As he continued to explain how well-thought out his design was, I continued to swell with hope.

Eventually, he showed me some of the feedback from other buyers.

Many people LOVED how they stopped having anxiety about losing their things. They ADORED how having the Pebblebee felt like having a new lease on life.

From there, I knew I had to try the Pebblebee for myself. 

I ordered three of Daniel’s products.

  • The Pebblebee Clip, a keychain track that clips onto a key ring.

  • The Pebblebee Card, a credit-card sized item tracker that fits in bags and wallets.

  • The Pebblebee Tag, a super light and tiny tracker that can stick onto objects.

Knowing they would arrive 7 days later, I asked my wife to start locking away all the things I wanted to use the Pebblebee on.

Once it arrived, I knew I was in for a treat.

Setup was quick and easy. I labeled all the Pebblebee trackers and immediately put one on everything.

  • Car? Check.

  • Car keys? Check.

  • House keys? Check.

  • Wallet? Check.

  • Backpack? Check.

  • Phone? Check.

  • TV remote? Check.

  • Lanyard? Check.

If you aren’t taking pebblebee®, you are operating at a disadvantage.

Find out why.


If it could fit a Pebblebee on it, I did it.

And let me tell you this…




Can’t find my phone? I ask my wife to ping it from her phone.

Misplaced my keys? I can make them buzz from the app.

Forget where I parked? The app will home in on my parking spot in seconds.

Nobody remembers where the TV remote is? The Pebblebee never forgets.

In a matter of days, my anxiety over losing things has completely melted away. I have much more free time in my week because finding things takes only seconds, not an hour. And not having to buy new versions of things I’ve lost is saving me SO. MUCH. MONEY.

That’s why I’m sharing my story with you today.

I want you to know that losing your things doesn’t have to be a frustrating experience any more. In fact, it can even be fun!

The Pebblebee has been a game-changer for me, and I know it can be for you too.

It’s not just a cheap “hack” – it’s a permanent answer to the age-old problem of “I can’t find my stuff.”

I was curious how Daniel came up with the technology in the Pebblebee. So I sent him an email asking about it.

He told me that in his work as an aerospace engineer, he’d spent nearly a decade developing technologies to track airplanes in the most difficult conditions.

We take this technology for granted today. But pinpointing any airplane when it’s thousands of feet in the air over deserts, mountains, and oceans – far away from any cell towers and hidden away from satellite detection – is incredibly difficult.

Thankfully, doing this on the ground is much easier. So it allows him to create super-compact item trackers that are capable of pinging other mobile phones to support global tracking.

In other words, if there’s an Android phone within 100 feet of your item, you will find it.

And with 2.3 billion devices—literally 1 device for every 4 people alive—out in the world, it is virtually impossible to lose your items.

Since launching the Pebblebee trackers, Daniel has helped THOUSANDS of men and women just like you and me stop losing their favorite items.

He’s received hundreds of glowing reviews and emails from people who’ve shared how the Pebblebee has helped them.

Rowena, age 63, loved how the Pebblebee was actually loud. She appreciated that because her hearing wasn’t what it used to be and other trackers were too quiet. Especially if they got lost under a couch cushion or under the bed.

Sam, age 35, says that he got the Pebblebee Card to put in all the wallets in the house. He loves how the card can slip into his card holders and finding any wallet takes just a few seconds now.

Elizabeth, age 40, says the Pebblebee has been an absolute game-changer for travel. She no longer has to fear losing her luggage because its global location is just one tap away.

So if you’re tired of the anxiety, time, and money cost of losing your things, I urge you to give the Pebblebee tracker a try. It’s not just another gimmick or quick fix – it’s a proven solution that has helped thousands of people like you and me.

And the best part?

Daniel is so confident the Pebblebee will help you, he’s offering a special limited-time offer just for readers of this article.

For the next 48 hours, you can get Free Shipping on any U.S. orders over $40. That means you can save as much as 50% off your final purchase price.

But that’s not all.

If you don’t like your Pebblebee experience within 15 days of the package arriving, you can return it for a no questions asked refund.

That’s how much Daniel believes in the convenience of having the Pebblebee in your life.

Thankfully, doing this on the ground is much easier. So it allows him to create super-compact item trackers that are capable of pinging other mobile phones to support global tracking.

In other words, if there’s an Android phone within 100 feet of your item, you will find it.

And with 2.3 billion devices—literally 1 device for every 4 people alive—out in the world, it is virtually impossible to lose your items.

Since launching the Pebblebee trackers, Daniel has helped THOUSANDS of men and women just like you and me stop losing their favorite items.

He’s received hundreds of glowing reviews and emails from people who’ve shared how the Pebblebee has helped them.

Rowena, age 63, loved how the Pebblebee was actually loud. She appreciated that because her hearing wasn’t what it used to be and other trackers were too quiet. Especially if they got lost under a couch cushion or under the bed.

Sam, age 35, says that he got the Pebblebee Card to put in all the wallets in the house. He loves how the card can slip into his card holders and finding any wallet takes just a few seconds now.

Elizabeth, age 40, says the Pebblebee has been an absolute game-changer for travel. She no longer has to fear losing her luggage because its global location is just one tap away.

So if you’re tired of the anxiety, time, and money cost of losing your things, I urge you to give the Pebblebee tracker a try. It’s not just another gimmick or quick fix – it’s a proven solution that has helped thousands of people like you and me.

And the best part?

Daniel is so confident the Pebblebee will help you, he’s offering a special limited-time offer just for readers of this article.

For the next 48 hours, you can get Free Shipping on any U.S. orders over $40. That means you can save as much as 50% off your final purchase price.

But that’s not all.

If you don’t like your Pebblebee experience within 15 days of the package arriving, you can return it for a no questions asked refund.

That’s how much Daniel believes in the convenience of having the Pebblebee in your life.

I know what it’s like to feel frustrated about losing your things.

I know how it can steal your joy and losing something can make simple tasks like running an errand become a major chore.

But I also know that it doesn’t have to be this way.

The Pebblebee has given me my life back, and I want the same for you.

So, if you’re ready to say goodbye to losing things, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Click the button below to visit the official Pebblebee website.

  1. Choose the type and quantity (Daniel recommends ordering a 2-pack to save on shipping)

  1. Enter your shipping and payment information.

  1. Sit back and wait for your Pebblebee to arrive at your doorstep.

It’s that simple.

And remember, with Daniel’s 15-day guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

But don’t wait – this special offer won’t last long.

The clock is ticking, and the longer you wait, the more opportunities you have to lose your valuables.

Take it from someone who’s been there: you deserve to always know where your items are.

You deserve a life without anxiety of losing things.

You deserve the Pebblebee Item Tracker.

So what are you waiting for?

Click the button below now and take “I can’t find it” out of your vocabulary.

Your new life starts today.

Take “I can’t find it” out of your Vocabulary

For a limited time, you can save up to 30% when you purchase a multipack of Pebblebee®.

If you aren’t taking Alpha BRAIN®, you are operating at a disadvantage.

Find out why.

If you aren’t taking Alpha BRAIN®, you are operating at a disadvantage.

Find out why.

To never losing your things again, Robin Moore

P.S. Remember, this special offer is only available for the next 48 hours, so don’t wait! Click the button above to get your Pebblebee and start knowing where all your things are. 

If you aren’t taking Alpha BRAIN®, you are operating at a disadvantage.

Find out why.

If you aren’t taking Alpha BRAIN®, you are operating at a disadvantage.

Find out why.


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